Fel Oen arweiniwyd ef
Gogwyddodd Crist ei ben

("Iddo Ef!")
Fel Oen arweiniwyd ef,
  I ddioddef loes;
Gogwyddo wnaeth ei ben,
  Ar bren y groes;
Gorphenodd yno'r gwaith,
  O brynedigaeth dŷn;
Diolch byth! mae nef a llawr,
  Yn awr yn un.              [HaI]

Boed imi gael mwynhau
  Hyd angeu du,
O'th iachawdwriaeth rad,
  A'th gariad cu;
Can's dyna'r hyfryd win,
  I flin, o beraidd flas -
Maddeuant pur a hedd -
  O! ryfedd ras!             [HaS]

Fe gźnir cyn b'o hir
  Yn glir ei glod;
Rhyfeddu 'r cariad fydd, 
  Y dydd sy'n d'od:
Dadgenir "Iddo EF"
  Yn lān gan nefol lu;
Mynegant rinwedd gwaed
  Y Ceidwad cu.              [HaI]
Diolch byth! mae nef a llawr / Yn ::        
        O diolch! nef a llawr / Sy'n

- - - - -
(Fel Oen i'r lladdfa)

Gogwyddodd Crist ei ben
  Ar bren y groes;
Fel Oen arweiniwyd ef
  I ddyoddef loes;
Gorphenodd yno'r gwaith
  O brynedigaeth dyn;
Am hyn mae nef a llawr
  Yn awr yn un.              [HaI]

Boed i mi gael mwynhau
  Hyd angeu du,
O'i iechydwriaeth rad,
  A'i gariad cu;
Can's dyma hyfryd win
  O heraidd rīn a blas
Maddeuant pur a hedd -
  O ryfedd ras!              [HaS]
HaI: H. ab I.
HaS: Hymnau a Salmau 1840

Tonau [6464.664]:
Caerwys (J D Jones 1827-70)
Oswestry (<1875)
Siloah (alaw Gymreig)
  Ystrad Fflur (William Evans [Alaw Afan] 1836-1900)

  Boed clod i'n Prynwr rhad
  Boed imi gael mwynhau
  Daeth ffrydiau melys iawn
  Fe gymerth Iesu blaid
  Ni allodd angau du

("Unto Him!")
Like a Lamb he was led,
  To suffer anguish
Bow he did his head,
  On the wood of the cross;
He finished there his work,
  Of the redemption of man;
Thanks forever! heaven and earth are
  Now as one.

May I get to enjoy
  Until black death,
Of thy free salvation,
  And thy dear love;
Since there is delightful wine,
  For a weary one, of sweet taste -
Pure forgiveness and peace -
  O wonderful grace!

To be sung before long
  Clearly is his acclaim;
The wonders of the love that shall be
  On the day that is coming:
"Unto Him" shall be declared
  Holy by a heavenly host;
They shall express the merit of the blood
  Of the dear Saviour.
Thanks forever! heaven and earth are / ... as ::        
        O thanks! heaven and earth are / ... as

- - - - -
(Like a Lamb to the Slaughter)

Christ bowed his head
  On the wood of the cross;
Like a Lamb he was lead
  To suffer anguish;
He finished there the work
  Of the redemption of man;
Therefore heaven and earth
  Are now as one.

May I get to enjoy
  Until black death,
Of his free salvation,
  And his dear love;
Since here is delightful wine
  Of sweet virtue and taste
Pure forgiveness and peace -
  O wonderful grace!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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